In the world of television entertainment, fantasy shows have created a unique charm. These shows transport viewers to imaginative worlds filled with magic, mythical creatures, and epic adventures. India is a country that features a rich cultural heritage and folklore. It has produced several captivating fantasy shows that have garnered immense popularity among audiences. Whether you are a fan of mystical realms or supernatural elements, something is enchanting for everyone. In this blog, we will be talking about some of the top Indian fantasy shows that are perfect for binge-watching. Read on to learn more about the best Indian fantasy shows here:

Top Indian Fantasy Show to Binge Watch


Naagin is a highly successful fantasy series. This show revolves around shape-shifting serpents who are called naagins. This fantasy show is fueled by revenge, love, and the supernatural. These mythical beings navigate through human society while battling evil forces. This extraordinary show features a gripping storyline, stunning visual effects, and stellar performances by the cast. Naagin has become a cult favorite among Indian television viewers. This series features multiple seasons, and each of these seasons is filled with twists and turns and mystical encounters. Naagin is one of the best TV show recommendations.


Chandrakanta is a classic fantasy epic that has left an indelible mark on Indian television. This show is set in a fictional kingdom and is filled with magic, intrigue, and romance. It follows the journey of Princess Chandrakanta and her love interest Prince Virendra. This show boasts captivating plot twists, mythical creatures, and larger-than-life characters. Chandrakanta continues to be cherished by fans for its timeless appeal and nostalgic value.

Baal Veer Series

Baal Veer is a delightful fantasy series. It caters to a younger audience. This show revolves around the adventures of a superhero, Baal Veer. He possesses magical powers and is tasked with protecting children from evil forces. This fan-favorite show features a blend of fantasy, humor, and moral lessons. Baal Veer has earned praise for its positive messaging and imaginative storytelling. This fantasy show remains a favorite among kids and families alike. It is one of the best fantasy shows for children.


Mahabharat is an epic mythological saga. It incorporates elements of fantasy and divine intervention. This show features two sides of the same coin. They are Pandavas and Kauravas. Mahabharat is an epic battle between these two forces. This show features Indian gods and celestial beings. Mahabharat is renowned for its grand scale, profound teachings, and timeless relevance. It continues to captivate the audiences with its epic narrative and rich symbolism. If you are a fan of Hindu mythology, then Mahabharat is one of the best TV show recommendations for you. It is available on streaming platforms, so you can binge-watch it anytime you want.


From ancient myths to modern fables, Indian fantasy shows offer a diverse array of captivating narratives that transport viewers to fantastical realms beyond imagination. Whether you are drawn to tales of gods and goddesses, mythical creatures, or supernatural adventures, these shows promise an immersive and enchanting viewing experience. So grab some popcorn, suspend disbelief, and embark on an extraordinary journey into the realm of Indian fantasy television.

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